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Do you need to get back into reading? Have you lost the mojo, or fallen out of a routine? The slump has fully hit you.
It is possibly the most annoying this ever when you lose the reading bug. Especially when you know deep down that you love reading.
So, here is my post about how to get back into reading!
I have always read books from a young age, but only started to really love reading around age 16, when I read The Perks of Being a Wallflower… You can find this super old post about it here…
You are probably the same, being 16 is easy, you have time to read! Then life happens, and suddenly you are an adult with one million things to do before bedtime and reading just doesn’t fall into it.
I have been there, multiple times, and I always manage to pull myself out of it…
A few easy things you can do are;
- Setting time aside/reading before bed.
- Take a book and read that instead of scrolling through your phone.
- Make time to relax and use it to read, not sleep midday.
- Try different book genres.
Here are a few things to help you beat the curse and get back into reading.
This sounds like such a whatever comment, but I love my book/writing account… I get to share the books I am reading, talk to others about them, and talk about my writing too.
I have connected and spoken to so many people that love books, reading and writing.
Instagram is a great way to get into a community that motivates you too. Its also fun to take cute pictures and share them online, sparking conversations about books as well.
I like to see others TBR (to be read) piles, because this gives me inspiration on what books to possibly buy next.
Its also good to read others reviews of books they have read; I have bought some books I have never heard of but purchased because someone I follow liked it!
The best thing about your insta account, is that its yours! Follow the accounts that red the same genre as you so their content will always be something you want to see on your feed. Follow anyone who inspires you, engages with you, and creates content that you love. Then do the same!
Here is my Instagram account below, as you can see, I am still growing it, but my pictures are improving, and so is my engagement.
I will do another post about Instagram another time, a more in-depth version.
I did use to use Goodreads all the time, but I have gotten out of the flow! Although I have re downloaded the app, I am yet to update it yet… STAY TUNED FOR THAT LOL.
Anyway, I do think this is a great resource for some, you can follow people’s reviews, see what books the best right are now, what others are reading, what they don’t want to read. Once again, you can connect with others, share reviews and write your own.
Writing reviews helps me get back into reading because I like sharing what I loved and what I didn’t about a book, especially if I enjoyed reading it.
So, get into the flow of remembering things about books, maybe even taking notes, and write some reviews for your blog, or your Goodreads account.
Get Back Into Reading – Some Books to Try
Here are some books that I personally have read that helped me get back into reading.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I whizzed through this book when I was a teenager and I absolutely loved it.
Its short, sweet, and intense.
A book everyone should read.
Fantastic Beasts
These books are just great. Although they are written in script, it’s a fun new way to read, and it’s also quick.
Maybe it’s because I picture Eddie as the main character is what makes me enjoy them more.
Only Time Will Tell
My dad actually MADE me read this.
He went on and on about it for a while, until I caved and read a book I usually wouldn’t.
And I loved it.
I haven’t read the other ones, and I really want to.
But it did the trick to get me back into reading.
Where Rainbows End
Cecelia Ahern usually writes books that are always so lovely. Admittedly I don’t usually read books as ‘nice’ as this, but once again… I had been converted.
The story altogether is great, and the characters are easy to love.
It did take a while to read, but opened up a different genre for me.
Normal People
I don’t need to say much, just read my review here.
Currently reading this and its fair to say this is one of my all time favourites already.
A book full of short stories all about women.
(A review will be up when I am finished.)
If you need more help with reading, have a look at this post by Kristi Craig too! Covering a few different areas to what I have – The Wonder Forest – Get back into the habit of Reading
So, thank you for reading, I really hope this helps you get back into reading (if it does, comment below!)
Be sure to follow me on social media for more updates and pictures…
Also, take a look at some of my other posts below!
1 Comment
Five Steps To Get Back On Track - Written By Charlotte
14/08/2019 at 8:06 AM[…] Then it is okay to stop and take a break. If you like to read in your break and you are also out of the routine of doing that, read this post here – Get back into reading […]