Cycle syncing is a method created by Alisa Vitti to match lifestyle choices with menstrual phases, potentially leading to numerous health benefits like mood improvement and increased energy. The practice involves dietary and exercise adjustments specific to four phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal.
Increase your well-being in 2024 with three wellness trends: mindfulness, adaptogens, and digital wellness. Practice mindfulness through gratitude journaling and being present; incorporate adaptogens like ashwagandha and holy basil to manage stress; and balance digital detox with technology that promotes wellness, such as meditation apps and Lumie Lamps.
Let’s dive deeper into what really happens throughout your menstrual cycle and how it impacts your productivity, sense of self, and overall, what each stage means. Having a period is something all women have to go through, it’s a part of life, just not always very understood, or enjoyable. (Originally posted on Medium) I’m about
The need for a home office is expanding alongside the tidal wave of work-from-home jobs and self-employed individuals. Optimise your home office organisation with these handy tips and hacks. Organise Your Home Office in 7 Steps A home office is a dedicated space for all your work-from-home needs. Having a home office allows you to