Importance of Reflection Time & Taking a Break

pink mug and magazine

You may (or may not have) noticed that I haven’t been very active online for the past month or so. Truly, I can’t actually remember the last time I blogged or even felt the need or want to do so. But here I am, back at it again! This is going to just be a little short post that will most likely have rubbish SEO and serve no value. However, I will be talking about how important it is to take some reflection time and really think about your life, health, actions, and so on…

If you are feeling like blogging or social media isn’t your highest priority, then that’s fine! It shouldn’t be, and that is something I have learnt over this past couple of weeks. There are way more important things to be worried about, and worrying about your online status when your mind needs a break is not a good idea! If it’s not fun, or you have to force yourself, then take a break. It’s all good.

Reflection Time

This sounds like you need some time out because you’ve done something bad, its the opposite to that. Taking some time to reflect, or having some reflection time not only helps you to recenter your thoughts, but it enables your brain to take a little break and to spend more of its energy worrying/thinking about things that are taking more priority in your head at that moment. Therefore, you should never feel bad about taking a break away from anything.

Ways To Take A Break

Here are a few ways you can take a break; from big to small. Minimal effort, to a large amount of effort, and anything else you could imagine.

  • Take a break from looking at your screen!
  • Have a few days off from social media, or however long you need.
  • Plan times of the day to go for a walk or do something totally different from your normal routine.
  • Book time away with family or friends, or even yourself!
  • Visit somewhere you haven’t been for ages, or at all.
  • Grab a cup of tea and actually get into reading a book.
  • Write down the things that are important to you, which ones have you focused on recently.
  • Remind yourself of affirmations. (I have a post about that here)
  • Treat yourself to something new.
  • Get everything in line before you go back to your normal routine. By this, I mean to organise your space, calculate expenses, maybe create a vision board.
  • Do a personal challenge: Yoga for thirty days or meditation? Try new things to add to your normal daily life.
  • Create a working brain and a life brain… Keep work at work, and home at home.
  • Book time off to just chill at home, you don’t need to go anywhere different. Be in your own space and enjoy it.

The aim of coming back to blogging – For me (If you’re interested)

I have been away from the blog for some time now, I never wanted it to become too personal but the reason being, simply, is because a family member has been extremely ill, and my mind was elsewhere! However, blogging is something I love doing and still something I am hoping creates a better life for me.

So, the aim now is to start sharing content to help you with self-care/self-help and keep this space real, but positive!

I will be creating more content for my Intstagram so please please please go and check that out! And if you would like to collab email me at

Thank you so much for reading, if you have read this! I have been away from all my socials so here they are below!

Follow me on Insta!

  • Reply
    05/09/2020 at 5:08 PM

    These are some great ideas!!! And definitely dont worry about when you last posted!!! i loved getting out and going to a farm with my family today – enjoying the drive and the fresh air! Took photos but turned off my data and didn’t check any socials. I got home and had tea and painted my nails sparkly. Sometimes keeping a blog and social media schedule literally keeps me awake at night which definitely isn’t worth it. I haven’t posted on my Instagram for ages and i blog so irregularly and when i have an idea. I feel so much better for it though!!!

  • Reply
    06/09/2020 at 5:43 AM

    What a lovely and honest post. I do like taking time away from social media and apps on my phone but I also do find that social media helps me stay happy, distracted and occupied a lot of the time. I also have recently told myself to not stress over a posting schedule recently, which has actually helped me stay calm a lot more ?

    ? Marissa Belle × ?

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